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Mirage Deck, or Nu-Idea Forcing Deck

Ralph W. Hull's Mirage Cards is a rough-and-smooth Svengali Deck marketed in 1934; see The Linking Ring, Vol. 14 No. 7, Sep. 1934, front inside cover for ad. In less than a year, Hull renamed the deck the “Nu-Idea Forcing Deck and Pop Eyed Popper” and marketed it. A few years after that he allowed it to be described in J. N. Hilliard's Greater Magic, 1938. p. 531.

According to Judge Wethered in The Linking Ring, Vol. 28 No. 1, Mar. 1948, p. 26, Charles Fricke preceded Hull in applying rough-and-smooth to the Svengali deck, although Wethered provides no dates or citations.

See also: Svengali Deck; Ever Ready Forcing Pack.