This trick appeared in Harry Lorayne's My Favorite Card Tricks, 1965, p. 4, yet Lorayne states that it isn't original with him, but was shown to him by Al Leech. Leech returned to this plot several times in the context of a sandwich trick. See “A Transposition: Table Method” in For Card Men Only, 1949 p. 20, “Ace Sandwich” in Card Man Stuff, 1953, p. 6, and “The Casino Trick” in Cardmanship, 1959, p. 13. “Ace Sandwich” is closest in the structure of its method to “One-Eyed Jack Sandwich.” There was a move in the version Leech showed Lorayne that Lorayne thought unconvincing and changed in his handling. Lorayne also writes that he showed his version to Fred Braue, who went on to publish a version with an altered presentation. For the Braue trick, see “The Prechosen Chosen Card” in The Gen, Vol. 17 No. 10, Feb. 1962, p. 260. Strangely, Braue made no mention of any sources of inspiration in his write-up and was dead by the time Lorayne went to press with My Favorite Card Tricks. Aside from the fact that Braue used red Tens as the sandwich cards, and Lorayne used one-eyed Jacks, there is little to distinguish the two, other than the method of displacement of the card between the sandwich cards. Braue used a type of bottom slip cut resembling a Hindu shuffle in its action. Lorayne used a pull-down.