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Overhand Shuffle from Bottom to Top

To transfer the bottom card or cards to the top with an Overhand Shuffle, one can use a thumb break for a clean throw at the end to avoid a lengthy run of single cards. This strategy appeared in Jean Hugard and Frederick Braue's Expert Card Technique, 1940, p. 130, in paragraph 4, where it is explicitly recommended as a replacement for the single run method. It is not attached to any creator, though.

Many years later, Dai Vernon published the approach for a single card at the end of “To Shuffle a certain number of Cards above a Selected Card” in Lewis Ganson's Further Inner Secrets of Card Magic, 1961, p. 26. Ed Marlo contributed some ideas to this Transfer Shuffle on how to establish the break for multiple cards in “Overhand Shuffle Finesse” in Marlo's Magazine, Vol. 5, 1984, p. 62. (Marlo published a completely different solution to shuffling the bottom card to the top as “From Bottom to Top” in The Unexpected Card Book, 1974, p. 31.)