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"Play It Straight" Triumph

In this version of Triumph, after the face-up/face-down mixing of the cards all cards turn face-down except the cards of the same suit as the selection, which remain face-up in sequential order.

Ernst Schösser published “Triumph im Triumph”, in which the suit appears together face-up in the middle of the face-down deck at the end of Triumph, with the selection reversed. See ZauBerlin, Issue 2, 1979, p. 26. A simplified handling called “Super Triumph” by Michael J. Gerhardt was included in Harry Lorayne's Best of Friends, 1982, p. 251. On page 247 of the same book, Meir Yedid published “Thirteen Less One”, in which the suit ends up face-up in order distributed throughout the whole deck, while the selection itself comes from the pocket.

John Bannon published his sleight-free handling of the plot “Play It Straight” in Impossibilia, 1990, p. 1, which stimulated several variations. Some of the more notable variants include: Joshua Jay's “Trumped Triumph” from Magic Atlas, 1999, p. 61, where a traditional Triumph is performed with the single selection being reversed, and then upon spreading the deck a second time, the full suit is reversed; Simon Lovell's marketed “Super Play It Straight!”, c. mid-1990s, later reprinted in Son of Simon Says, 2000, p. 37, in which after the full suit appears face up, it then changes into a different full suit.