This pretty production of a card, in which it suddenly and visibly pops out of the deck is commonly credited to Piet Forton. Forton's stated inspiration was a similar production he saw Eddie Taytelbaum perform. (Taytelbaum had reinvented J. B. Bobo's “Pop-Over Card”, published in The Sphinx, Vol. 45 No. 12, Feb. 1947, p. 368.) Another inspiration Forton mentioned was Jack Avis's “Spin Cut Aces”, published in Pentagram, Vol. 8 No. 3, Dec. 1953, p. 20. See the Forton interview in Magische Welt, Vol. 51 No. 3, June 2002, p. 470. Forton featured his production in his competition act for the 1961 FISM convention in Lüttich; then showed and taught it around Europe and the United States. For his 1988 U.S. lecture tour, he produced Lecture Notes in which he described his Pop-Out Move (p. 12).
Around 1979, he came up with a New Pop-Out Move, using a different dynamic. He published this in the Mike Skinner/Piet Forton Seminar booklet, 1979, p. 18. There is some controversy about the first originator of this sleight. Ravelli (Ron Wohl) claimed to have invented it before Forton, while Forton thought Wohl had independently invented the move, but after Forton. A description of Ravelli's Pop-Out was eventually published in Roberto Giobbi's Grosse Kartenchule, Band 4, 1994, p. 1018 (translated into English as Card College, Vol. 4, 2000, p. 1024). To date, no resolution to these counterclaims has been found.