Productions of this kind got their start from the top of the deck. J.B. Bobo published his “Pop-Over Card” in The Sphinx, Vol. 45 No. 12, Feb. 1947, p. 368. Bruce Elliot later brought the production to the bottom of the deck with his “Fillip” in Phoenix, No. 188, Oct. 1949, p. 751.
The best-known production in this family is by J. K. Hartman, first described in his Packet Magic, 1972, p. 2. As Hartman notes there, his starting point was Neal Elias's “Another Cutting Discovery” in Ibidem, No. 26, Sep. 1962, p. 9. The difference between the two is that the Elias sleight is done as the halves of the deck are put together, while Hartman's handling occurs with the full deck held in the left hand.
Several people have created one-handed variants of these productions. Tom Batchelor published his handling as “On the Cut” in Canadian Card Control, 1971, p. 28. Aaron Fisher later released his version in Magic, Vol. 3 No. 5, Jan. 1994, p. 55, and again in The Sleight Album,1995, p. 16, and The Paper Engine, 2002, p. 29.