Tom Ellis's Super Rise has been relegated to only being mentioned in the controversy around Wesley James's Coming Up in the World. This assumes the moves are identical, and this is wrong. Ellis's move contains an important finesse that has been overlooked. When outjogging the selection, the secret card is not loaded flush with the deck; instead, it is loaded slightly outjogged itself (but less than the selection). Now when pulling the selection back onto the deck, the hand can be turned over before it's pushed all the way flush, allowing for a visual retention that can't be achieved with Wesley James's (or J. Stewart Smith's) precursors. For full details, see Pallbearers Review, Vol. 9 No. 6, Apr. 1974, p. 721.
For a related idea, see Larry Jennings's Open Control in Harry Lorayne's Best of Friends, 1982, p. 92.